How To Start a Software Developer Career From Home

How To Start a Software Developer Career From Home

Hi peeps! Let’s get straight to the point. This is 2020, the world has gone topsy-turvy, and the CoronaVirus is causing a ruckus we would never have imagined. The world is on lockdown, industries and businesses are on a shutdown. There are clear indications of future adverse economic implications, and people are already starting to lose employments. 

In short its crisis and crisis. Considering the current situation, people are home and are on a lookout for online work. Work from home and freelancing is in demand like nothing else. Businesses are moving towards hiring employees to work from home, and skilled people are on a lookout for a Work From Home Jobs. We at Techasoft, a software development company, are hiring too. 

What I am trying to say here is that Tech jobs are on an all-time hike, and if you are looking to switch to a tech job, it’s no time like right now. No matter if you have a degree in Computer Science or not, you can still Start a career as a software developer from home.

What is a Software Developer?

A Software Developer or a computer programmer is one who is involved in the research, designing, coding, and finally testing of software products.

Thus, a Software Developer provides SaaS (Software as a Service) Product which varies from developing mobile apps, video games, enterprise-level apps, operating systems, robots, etc.

Why Freelance Software Developing?

Freelancing gives you more freedom so that you are free to choose your work hours as well as clients as well as projects.This means you get complete creative freedom and also there is no specific restriction on your potential to make money online.

How to Start a career as a software developer from home?

  • Start/Upgrade your Coding skills: No matter if you already know to code, or not; the first step to take is start/upgrade your coding skills. This can be achieved by taking online courses in coding. Today there are many online courses available that are free as well as paid and come with certification too. You can go for it and improve your skills.
  • Find a mentor: Yes, you heard me right, you need to find a mentor, someone who is an expert in software development and is ready to mentor you. I know that you may wonder how is it possible from home, but there are various slack integration tools which allow for two developers from distant to work as if they are working side by side. Also, various communication options such as Chat tools and video conferencing tools (such as Google Meet) by the help of which, you may be able to learn from a mentor’s help.
  • Joining Freelance sites and job boards: Once you have got a bit of experience by learning from a mentor, you can connect with any of the freelance job boards or sites to get noticed by potential employers and get yourself hired.  Remember, even if its your initial job, choose wisely only after understanding the reputation of the client, biding method and the price rates, and if it is really possible to develop the specified software in a specified time.
  • Practice: Other than joining freelance sites take entry-level computer coding work from form home. Practice makes a man perfect, and there is no other option for this. So with every project, you bid for, and every program you learn, practice, practice, and practice some more.
  • Make yourself good enough to get hired: With your entry-level job, get a good brand image for yourself. You ask how? Simple – ‘be good at what you do, and tell everyone’. For that prepare – (i) Resume which includes your educational credentials, certificates, necessary personal and professional background (ii) Online Portfolio which showcases your completed projects with their descriptions and web links, the repositories, as well as the results (iii) Online Profile by keeping your profile on social networking sites well updated; especially your LinkedIn profile where employers are looking to hire (iv) Personal website wherein you start blogging to share your knowledge and experience, gaining yourself an identity.  (v) Testimonials and Referrals by making your clients and employers happy. Get them to give you good ratings and reviews, and ask them for referrals (vi) Attend various online events and conferences.
  • Start Freelancing: Now that you have good experience, reviews, ratings, referrals, opt for freelancing by joining trustworthy freelance platforms. Or go solo freelancing now that you have proof to show that you can deliver to your client what you claim. However, while choosing a client, remember (i) Don’t sell yourself for a price below the market Value, (ii) Select projects which you think will give yourself a professional growth. (iii) Protect yourself and your client legally with Service Contracts (iv) Terminate the contract for unreasonable clients.
  • Software Development consulting: As a Freelancer, you are the business. Thus, you are responsible for marketing and promoting your work and developing your career. If you have garnered enough experience for yourself as a freelancer and feel that you are able, start giving consultations for Software Developers. 

This process which started from getting yourself a mentor will end with being a mentor. And following the above steps, you’ll be able to start a career as a software developer from home. Oh! Did I mention that Techasoft is hiring? For more details, visit our Career section.

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